...from a whisper to a SCREAM is currently on hiatus. You can follow Zja Noir on Instagram for photos of the gigs she attends.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Originally uploaded by From A Whisper To A Scream

I was at the Amanda Palmer Ninja gig at the Sydney Opera House on 12/02/2010. As well as the divine Ms Palmer playing her ukekele, she had a QnA session. One person asked where we go when we sleep. Amanda couldnt settle on an answer (well it was left field!) and called Neil (Gaiman, her very lovely fiance!) despite the fact that is was 4am where he was. This was his answer:
"We go down so deep inside ourselves that we all connect."
Did I mention i was at her fucking feet? So awesome... and they are so sweet together <3

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